Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yesterday I went to the zoo with my daughter, grandchildren, a friend and her children.
We had a great time.

The friends boys were great. They painted themselves like animals. The eldest made himself a tiger. The youngest made himself look like a lion. The middle boy, when asked said he painted himself "black". here is the gang.

The Dude didn't want his face painted.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fair Warning

I have just finished reading a blog post from a friend where he talks about how hard this year has been for him and his wife. They have indeed had a really hard time. It makes me think about how hard my life has been these last few months. Although my problems and pain are not nearly what theirs are, this has been a tough year for me.
Jan is doing better. He can drive some places by himself. He is walking better and only uses the cane when he is out in the world. So, things are looking up. He is really not back to work. He does try and I give him lots of credit for how hard he tries.
I have lost my job. Budget cut backs in education have cost many teachers their jobs this year. I am one of the unlucky who has not been called back. I am, and will continue to look for a teaching job. But, I have too much experience, too much education and am too expensive it seems to find a job when 27,000 teachers in Illinois are looking for a few jobs.
I am feeling all of the emotions that go with job loss. My family is very supportive. But, I think they are getting tired of propping me up. So I may use this blog to vent. This was not the reason I started this blog. But, I write for myself. If this is going to depress you, you have been warned.
I don't plan on all posts here being depressing, I am just going to write how things are. This is after all a blog about how a 55 year old woman deals with being a Grandmother. This is where my life is now.