Thursday, June 23, 2011

It really is summer here. You would not be able to tell from the weather. It has been raining quite a bit. It's also been humid and from time to time hot. It's hard to plan anything when you can't predict the weather.

I have been traveling around some too. We, my business partner and I, went to a yarn convention just outside of Indy. We came home repacked and took off for D.C. While we were on the east coast we headed down to Colonial Williamsburg. Down there the temp was well over 100 degrees. We had our families with us so it was a vacation. We had a load of fun.

This is Miss Mim in her new hat. It had to have a red ribbon!

The Momma wanted to by the Dude a cute three corner hat. He would have none of that.

It has been a very busy summer so far.

I am about to start cooking for Shabat Dinner tomorrow night. I would like to have as much done ahead as possible. I will be making peanut butter soup. Sounds bad but tastes great. I have only had it served hot, but I hear it is great ice cold too.I am going to serve it cold. I am also going to make princess chicken- chicken with crab and Alfredo sauce.Today I am making the soup and the pecan pie dessert.So I had best get to cooking.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Starting off on a summer of yarn festivals. We leave tomorrow early for one outside of Indianapolis. We are doing about one show per month between now and October. I guess you could say we started last month. Things are doing well and picking up. I hope I will have pictures from this one. (I forget to take them)