Thursday, September 20, 2012

I can't believe it. I am finally able to get back into this site. As I am sure you know, I have not posted here since July. The reason being I was not able to get on the site. None of my pass words worked. It was crazy! I finally got it figured out. So, now I am back (I hope)
As you can see someone is happy.
Well maybe two little people. ;) I have been doing a fair bit of traveling lately. I have been west as far as Idaho an as far east as Cape Cod. I have met some wonderful cousins I never knew I had.
And some cousins I have known for years.
I got to see some old friends too. But, most of all I am glad to be home.
I haven't posted here for a while because I could not get into the site. BuT, yesterday my password worked again for some strange reason. So I posted to this blog and put up some pictures. But this morning they are not here. I am, to say the least, confused. If you still read this blog and saw yesterdays post please let me know. You could even say hi if you are still reading this blog. That way I'll know who is still here. Thanks!