Thursday, March 22, 2012

There is big news brewing around here. I can't tell you yet, but it's big.

The Dude has come a long way with his speech. He is now using 3 and 4 word sentences.
That is awesome. Every day he has new words. He also doesn't sign as much now that he has words. He is a total manipulator though. Today he went to help himself to a fifth cookie. He decided that he could get away with it if he brought one for me too. (It worked)

Miss Mim now hears everything you say and then repeats it back or asks questions about what you said. I called something a "Monster Problem" and she wanted to know what that meant. I explained it to her. I am so glad I didn't say something else. Yhey are growing up so fast.

I am really enjoying being a grandparent. I am so luck they live close by and I get to see them so often.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I spent part of yesterday at MSI (the Museum of Science and Industry). I got to preview a new exhibit. WOW!!!! I also got to spend some time with Hubby and our daughter. It was a great day.

Being a science geek and hanging with other science geeks can really be fun.

But, what really amazed me was spending time with the little girl we raised and seeing the woman she has become. Don't get me wrong, I see her all the time. Yesterday I had the chance to see her in a different situation than we are normally in. I got to see her as I really have not before. I have worked with her professionally,interacted with her as an adult, fought with her and seen her in any number of ways. But yesterday she was an adult being a kid again. (So was I.) She is an amazing woman. I can't explain it, but yesterday was different. It was a wonderful day!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Where Have I been?

Ok everyone. I have heard you! I don't update here very often. Once again I have not posted here for a while. As always there has been a lot going on.

Lets start with the little ones. Miss Mim has turned 4. She had a wild week to celebrate her birthday. She had a preschool birthday party, a friends birthday party, a family birthday party and Our Annual Hanukkah Party all in the same week. Poor kid didn't know what hit her. There were gifts coming out her ears. Of course Hanukkah starting that week put everyone on gift over load.

Not to be out done, The Dude has turned 3. He had a party at each of his
preschools, a joint friends party with another little boy and a family birthday party.

I have also started a new business. I am now an Educational Advocate. I work with parents and help them navigate through the public school special education bureaucracy. So far I am working with 3 families.

Froebe Fibers is still going strong. We just had our best show ever. This month will be spent dying yarn, knitting samples, and designing. Next month we have 3 shows. That will keep us busy.

Everyone else is doing fine and is healthy. There are a couple of things in the works that I can't tell you about. But, I will as soon as I am released from my vow of secrecy.

Stay tuned in. There will be more.