Monday, November 30, 2009

Back to the real world

Now with school back in session things are getting a little busy.
Add to that an unexpected visit from my grand babies and I have a full day.

I have noticed that I have very few pictures of the kids together.
That is something I need to work on.

The four day weekend was wonderful. I spent two days with the kids and an extra day just with my daughters.

Sometimes life give extra!

I so enjoy spending time with my children and grandchildren.

So, time for pictures!!!!!!!

This is the Dude. His has found he can crawl under the table.

This is Miss Miri just being her cute self.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Some days

Some days just don't go the way you plan.
Today was one of those.
All the things I had planned to do just did not happen.
So, it's back to the drawing board.
Perhaps tomorrow will work better.

We could always blame it on someone getting two new teeth.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey day

Thanksgiving was wonderful.

My daughter cooked and hosted her very first First Thanksgiving dinner.
Everything was wonderful !

The turkey looks great!

The green beans were awesome too!
We had two kinds of stuffing/ dressing. (Made by me) Potatoes and sweet potatoes. The most amazing rolls made by my other daughter. And more food I can't even remember. Pies and appetizers before dinner. Wow!

And yes, that is Miss Miri in a bowl.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for.

Even the "Dude" had his share.Here he is with a mouthful of wipped cream his Uncle thought would be good for him.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I took a break yesterday. I didn't post. But I did cook.

This is Oyster stuffing/ dressing.

This one is cornbread dressing/ stuffing.

I know they look a lot alike. I think it's the celery and of course they are both made with bread. I am not going to write out the recipes because everyone has their own. Or, you can go on line and find a million stuffing/ dressing recipes.

For anyone who cares, stuffing goes inside the bird. Dressing is cooked separately.
So these really are dressings. But, when I call them dressings my family thinks of the stuff you pour on salads.

I had to include a picture of Miss Miri hugging her Zadie. And if there is a Miss Miri then to be fair we need a Dude picture too.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The week is winding down. Just one more day until Thanksgiving. The only thing I have to do this year is make the stuffing/ dressing. After almost 32 years of doing Thanksgiving at my house, I will be going to someone else's house.

I know there was a year or two when I didn't cook. I went to visit. But this year it seems that I am passing the gauntlet on to the next generation.

I will be making two different types of stuffing/ dressings. One will be cornbread. One of my daughter's really loves cornbread stuffing. The other type will be oyster.
Hubby has a "hankering" for oysters.

The cornbread is made and I am ready. Tomorrow maybe pictures of dressings in the works.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Just a thought

Bubbie's house is quiet today. Everyone is gone and I have the house to myself.

But soon it will be filled with laughter and Joy!!!!

Lately, I have been hearing stories from friends with young children.
Many of those young parents say the same things. They do not understand why their own parents, the grandparents, are more concerned with belongings than their grandchildren.
They want to know why children playing is a problem for the older generation.

Too start, these young parents need to understand that their parents may have waited a long time to be able to purchase what ever it is they are worried about. They may have saved or waited until there were no young children around to buy that wonderful something.

Or perhaps your children are a little too active for their grandparents. Remember grandparents are not used to little ones any more.

But, for those grandparents; It won't be like this for long. Before you know it those little ones will be grown and gone. If you do not have the time for them now, don't be surprise if they don't have time for you later.
All of your things can be replaced. But, those little children can't. You may not know it, but they see what you do and how you act toward them. They remember.

How do you want to be remembered after you are gone? As the Grandma who didn't have time?
Or, the Grandpa who didn't want his yard messed up.

I would prefer to be remembered as the Bubbie who made cookies, built forts, read stories and played in the mud. The one with toys all over the house. But, that's just me.

Parents, remember, with any luck you will be grandparents yourself some day.
What type of grandparent will you be?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cooking with Miss Miri

Many people think cooking and baking with small children is a bad idea.
They claim it's too messy or it's too much work.

Well, it is messy. And, it is a lot of work. But, just check out how involved this
little girl is.

She is thinking, and learning and most important having fun with her Bubbie!

What a great way to spend an afternoon.

Don't worry about the mess. It really doesn't take that long to clean up.

We started out with premade dough. Lots of flour and two rolling pins.
(One for her and one for me)

She learned how to roll out dough and how to use a cookie cutter.

She made her own cookies and while she was working, Bubbie made cookies for the family.

If you are wondering, yes she has her own apron with a great big "M" on it.

I am looking forward to a lot more cooking and baking afternoons.
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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Baby sitting

Today Hubby and I spent a few hours babysitting the grand babies.

We had a blast. I forgot to take my camera so I had to take pictures with
my phone.

All this technology for someone my age. He He ;)

I need to figure out how to get the pictures from my phone to this blog.

Anyway tomorrow there will be pictures.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Well, it's finally Friday. The Sabbath in a Jewish house hold.

The family gets together for Shabbat dinner.

That means both daughter, son-in-laws and the grandchildren.
It doesn't get any better than having everyone here.

We trade off hosting Shabbat so one person doesn't have all the work every week.
We have homemade bread called Challah. Miss Miri calls it Ha Ha.

It's a time to relax and reflect.

No pictures today! Just getting ready to start cooking.

Lots of love in my house tonight.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


We are headed into the holiday season. (As everyone knows)
And the best thing about the holidays is the food. Ok, gifts too.
I thought I would ask if there are any of my recipes that you would like me
to share.

Men cooking! What a sweet sight.

This is a view of my kitchen during one of our Hanukkah Parties. My Son-in-laws and Hubby are planning the attack on the potato pancakes.

A good time was had by all.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Warm wishes

It's been rainy here. So I thought I'd bring a little warmth and sunshine from a trip to to Florida.

Yup that's yours truly on the right.
A little sunshine would be so nice. As we head into winter all I can think of is vacation and being warm.

How many days until Spring?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lets Get This Started

With Thanksgiving just around the corner it's time to think.

What should we cook? Miss Miri and I are looking for good recipes on the computer.
The Dude is ready to cook. That' a measuring cup in his hand.

To be honest, this is the first year I will not be hosting Thanksgiving in more than 25 years.
This year my daughter, their Mommy, is hosting.

It's a little strange for me. But, I am helping plan the menu and checking her time schedule.
I will be making the stuffing/dressing. Two types, oyster and cornbread.

I just need to relax this year and give control over to someone else.

Monday, November 16, 2009

It's been two whole days since I have seen Miss Miri and "the dude", my grandchildren. But I will see them tomorrow.

I have been learning a few things about running a blog.

  1. Check not only spelling but correct use of words.
  2. Just because a picture looks good to me doesn't me it looks good to others.
  3. Readers respond (sometimes).
  4. Everyone loves pictures.

"The Dude " a n d " Miss Miri"

I am working on getting this whole picture thing worked out. Hang in there with me.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cooking for Hubby or Onion Soup

Hubby hurt his back the other day. He went to the Doc. and is on Meds. But he isn't moving around to well. So I thought
I would make him one of his favorite dinners.

He loves Onion Soup!

Now I find that kind of strange because he HATES onions in any form. Except for Onion Soup.

So, here is my recipe.

Onion Soup ( Serves 4)

5 medium yellow onions peeled and sliced thin
3 T. butter
2 qts beef broth ( can be home made or store bought)
3 small cloves of garlic (I smash them with my knife and then chop them)
1T Worcestershire Sauce
4 slices of a Good French Bread
8 slices of Provolone Cheese (you can substitute any good melting cheese)

Saute the onions in the butter until they have a little color. They should be soft.
Add the garlic a few minutes before the onions are done. Don't over cook the garlic.
When the onions and garlic are cooked put them in a stock pot and add the broth. Stir to mix.
Add the Worcestershire sauce and stir again.
Put a low fire under them and let them simmer for at least 1/2 hour.

Once everything is ready preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Place the bowls on a cookie sheet to make clean up easier.
Then ladle the soup into the bowls leaving just enough room to put the bread into the bowl.
Put the bread on top of the soup. If there is any room add a little more soup.
Lay two slices of cheese on top and put the entire cookie sheet and soup into the oven.

Heat the entire thing until the cheese is melted. Be careful when you remove the cookie sheet and bowls from the oven, they will be VERY HOT.

Serve the soup with a salad and your done.


Welcome to Bubbie's House !

This blog is for anyone who is or loves a Grandparent.
The term Bubbie is Eastern European (Jewish ) for Grandmother. I am a 54 year old Bubbie.

This blog will be full of stories about my grandchildren. I have two. There will be cooking with and without them. And I hope lots of pictures.

There will also be a little bragging and concerns.

In this day and age Grand-parenting is not the same as it was for my Grandparents. So I hope these posts will help others and give a new insight to what Grand-parenting is and who Grandparents are in the 21st Century.