Monday, November 23, 2009

Just a thought

Bubbie's house is quiet today. Everyone is gone and I have the house to myself.

But soon it will be filled with laughter and Joy!!!!

Lately, I have been hearing stories from friends with young children.
Many of those young parents say the same things. They do not understand why their own parents, the grandparents, are more concerned with belongings than their grandchildren.
They want to know why children playing is a problem for the older generation.

Too start, these young parents need to understand that their parents may have waited a long time to be able to purchase what ever it is they are worried about. They may have saved or waited until there were no young children around to buy that wonderful something.

Or perhaps your children are a little too active for their grandparents. Remember grandparents are not used to little ones any more.

But, for those grandparents; It won't be like this for long. Before you know it those little ones will be grown and gone. If you do not have the time for them now, don't be surprise if they don't have time for you later.
All of your things can be replaced. But, those little children can't. You may not know it, but they see what you do and how you act toward them. They remember.

How do you want to be remembered after you are gone? As the Grandma who didn't have time?
Or, the Grandpa who didn't want his yard messed up.

I would prefer to be remembered as the Bubbie who made cookies, built forts, read stories and played in the mud. The one with toys all over the house. But, that's just me.

Parents, remember, with any luck you will be grandparents yourself some day.
What type of grandparent will you be?

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