Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hanukkah is coming

Hanukkah is in the air!

This Friday night is the first night of Hanukkah.
No it's not the "Jewish Christmas"

It's different!
It's not about the presents, although that part is fun.
It's not about the food or the candles either.

So, what is this all about?

If you are reading this you already know about the Maccabees' fight for freedom.

But, this holiday is about so much more.

It's about social justice. It's about doing what is right even when that isn't popular or easy.

It's about helping other people who suffer, "pain we felt so long ago". (From the song "Light One Candle" by Peter Yarrow)

This Holiday is about more than ourselves. It's about standing up for something you truly believe in.

This year, with so many people angry about what America is doing or not doing, be a voice for reason. Listen to the other side. Not just to frame your next argument, but to hear what they are saying. Then ask yourself "What can I do to make a positive change". You can not change anyone else. You can only change yourself.

And then PARTY

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