Saturday, September 11, 2010

Warning #2 Heavy reading ahead

September 11 seems to stop everyone in their tracks. Not just the year it happened, even today. People are remembering where they were when they heard about the first plane hitting the World Trade Center. Then they talk about the second plane hitting, the attack on the Pentagon,the twin towers falling and the plane that went down in Penn.
We remember where we were and what we were doing, just like the day Pres. Kennedy was killed. Or if you are old enough to remember, when Pearl Harbor was attacked.

So, today we think about how things used to be. How are lives are different today. We remember those who lost their lives in the attack and those who lost their lives trying to help/ save others.

Today, we must each of us look to ourselves and ask "Is what we are doing really going to create a better world? Or do we have an agenda of our own that we are trying to promote?" Religions seem to take the "us against them" approach. Countries do the same.

Killing does not create a better world.

So, I challenge everyone who reads this. Let's come up with a better way. Send me your ideas. Let's see if we can do better.

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